St.John's-St.Margaret's Church


Date & Time: Sat, 01 Mar, 10am-12pm

Venue: Bethel Auditorium (Level 3)


Come join us for fellowship, games and brunch! Open to all SJSM ladies aged 18 and above.

Please register by Mon 24 Feb (8pm) at


Open to all ladies aged 18 and above.

Non-SJSMers welcome.



Contact Information

Tel:          67770934 (24 hours)


Address:  St.John's-St.Margaret's Church

               30 Dover Avenue, Singapore 139790

© 2017 St.John's-St.Margaret's Church.

 All Rights Reserved.

Welcome to Women at the Well, or W@W, SJSM’s Women’s Fellowship!


Who Are We?

We are a relaxed, God-loving group of women of different ages, at different life stages, from different walks of life, with different interests, who all love Jesus and worship at St John’s – St Margaret’s Church (SJSM). We have been meeting since 2019 to learn, laugh, and grow together. If you would like to meet other women for encouragement, prayer and authentic friendship, come for our W@W events! We would love to meet you!


What’s With The Name?

In traditional Jewish culture, the well was where women met to chat, to exchange news, and for fellowship. The well was also where Jesus met the Samaritan woman (John 4) and spoke so honestly yet lovingly into her life that He changed her forever. We hope that W@W will be such a space, where the women at SJSM can meet other women, make new friends, and talk about issues that matter to us. We also hope W@W will be a place of authentic friendships, where we can be real with each other.  Most importantly, we want W@W to be a place where women come to be watered, to be refreshed by Jesus and drink of His living water.


What Do We Do?

We organise 4 to 6 seminars a year where we worship, listen to an invited speaker or panel and sometimes break into smaller groups for interaction and discussion. (Our events are currently open only to women above 18 who worship at SJSM.)


How Can You Contact Us?

Our activities are advertised in the church bulletin, on the SJSM website and to those on our mailing list. We also have a Facebook group. If you would like to say hello, or ask any question, please email You can also send a ‘Friend Request’ to our Facebook page ‘Women At The Well’ (