St.John's-St.Margaret's Church


Seasons of Life

Seasons of Life (SOL) is an in-house publication of St. John’s - St. Margaret’s Church Family Life Ministry. Published twice yearly and now made available online, SOL largely features stories of SJSMers and friends whose lives have been touched by God’s hand. Usually built around families, these stories serve to show that regardless of season or station of life, God’s light can shine through each of us when we journey with Him in faith and love.

Seasons of Life - Issue 2/2024

Start Small, Start Real


In this issue, we continue with the 2024 church theme, Radical Hospitality. What

does it mean to be a church that extends welcome to all? What is it like to love and

serve like Jesus? How radical must acts of hospitality be to count for something?

How can I serve when I’m so busy with work and family commitments?


We attempt to answer these questions with the important reminder that we are all

recipients of God’s radical hospitality and grace through Jesus Christ. The article

Understanding Good Works explains how we are all saved by grace for good works

(Eph 2:8-10). Truly, when our lives have been touched by God’s great love, we feel

compelled to share this love with others through our words and actions.


Every one of us can be a blessing where we are; we can start small. One article

describes small and practical things some SJSMers do, like keeping a room vacant

to host anyone in need of a temporary place of rest or inviting migrant workers

home for a meal. A mother with a special needs child recounts the impact children

and teens in both Junior Church and Heartbeat have on her child’s life by simply

befriending her and being intentionally inclusive. A former foreign domestic worker

shares how she saw the love of God in her employers’ care for her and how it

changed her life. Small Actions, Great Impact, as one article in this issue is aptly



It also brings to my mind this quote by Mother Teresa:

“Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love.”


May the articles in this issue inspire you to know that whatever season of life you

find yourself in, you can be God’s blessing to many. He is the One who motivates,

sustains and brings about everlasting fruit for His Name’s sake.


Yeo Hem Joo

On behalf of the SOL Editorial Team


In Review

Our annual magazine (previously called Light Magazine) chronicles the highlights of the past year with the objectives of:


  • THANKSGIVING – To remind SJSMers about the significant events of the past year that they have participated in and to give thanks for the blessings God has bestowed.
  • CONNECTEDNESS – To be aware of what God is doing in other parts of our sizeable and growing community and deepen our sense of belonging.
  • DISCERNMENT – To draw lessons from our journey over the past year and apply them to our present and future.


As we read the articles that follow, may we be encouraged towards grateful thanksgiving as we reflect on how God has blessed our church.


Please click on the magazine to read the latest issue of the magazine or you can also download a PDF.  Happy reading!

Contact Information

Tel:          67770934 (24 hours)


Address:  St.John's-St.Margaret's Church

               30 Dover Avenue, Singapore 139790

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