St.John's-St.Margaret's Church

Welcome to St.John's-St.Margaret's Church!

We are so glad that the Lord God led you to visit us here at SJSM, regardless of whether you were here by invitation, by choice, or by chance. We believe that not only are  the very hairs of our heads numbered, but also that our ways are directed by the sovereign God, so it is not coincidental that you were here with us. We count it our privilege that we have the opportunity to journey with you in knowing God more.


In SJSM, we believe that community life is vital. As such, we have various home cells, small groups, and interest groups that SJSMers can plug themselves into, to experience Christian fellowship, to learn about God together, and to grow in serving others in SJSM Village (which includes our nursing home and childcare centre) and beyond: to the Dover and Ghim Moh communities. We invite you to join us, especially if you are not yet involved in a similar small group.


We look forward to connecting with you personally in the days to come. Do fill up the Visitor’s Feedback Form so that we can invite you to our next Newcomers’ Welcome, where you can meet our leaders and find out more about SJSM Village.


Contact Information

Tel:          67770934 (24 hours)


Address:  St.John's-St.Margaret's Church

               30 Dover Avenue, Singapore 139790

© 2017 St.John's-St.Margaret's Church.

 All Rights Reserved.