St.John's-St.Margaret's Church


Richard Koh’s Story -

From Stranger to SJSMer

My Story, His Story | Mar 2024

In 2021, after my COVID vaccination, my body suddenly broke out in rashes. The left leg was swollen, the right leg as well. My heart was also congested. Upon my wife’s encouragement, I went around the neighborhood looking for quiet places to rest and rejuvenate. There was a senior care centre at block 23, and so I sat there and took a quiet rest.


God’s hospitality reaches out to me

It so happened my benefactor, Philip Mok passed by and he noticed me. He paused to talk to me. During our conversation, he learnt about my condition, and advised me to rest at SJSM.


When I came to this place, the feeling I had was a sense of comfort, because the environment was beautiful.


When the people in church knew of my condition, they came up one by one to greet me. Some church staff and pastors also prayed for me. Their hospitality left an indelible impression on me. And my heart felt comforted. I had something to depend on, and my heath slowly recovered.


I learnt that this great God exists

Later through the recommendation of a pastor, I attended the Alpha course. And gradually, I have a new understanding towards God. I learnt that this great God exists. And I believed. So I accepted the Lord into my heart.









My wife was also touched by my response. Together, on 9th April 2023, both of us were baptized, and we became children of God. I give thanks to God and to God’s glory. This glory belongs to God. Hallelujah!









What is even more precious is that every weekend I get to attend the Sunday service. The pastor once made a statement which I found rather meaningful. It is about birth, ageing, sickness and death. He said when we reach an advanced age, sickness will follow us, and we will experience sickness.


A new understanding of pain and suffering

I received a new understanding of pain and suffering in the context of ageing, some sicknesses are tough, but I did not bear a grudge. Instead I felt a certain lightness in my heart. And I was able to disregard the sickness. Eventually I found comfort and no longer carry such pain towards sickness. I give thanks to God, Hallelujah!

When I came here, the people in this church comforted me and gave me a Bible. I learnt of God’s presence and God’s power.

A story of God's unfailing love

"When I was 15, I mixed with the wrong company of friends and my life very quickly went down the wrong path. I picked up smoking, drinking alcohol and taking drugs."

David's Story

"William, a handyman was introduced to me to fix the electrical problems with my garage gate. Little did we realise that God was after ‘fixing’ his legs and heart. William agreed for me to pray for the healing of his knees. Then one thing led to another…"


Donny's Story

To most 2020 is unforgettable because of COVID-19. To our family, 2020 is the year that brought tears of joy, and we praise God...


Mdm Yeo's Story

 "...I never had much time for my children when they were growing up, and I bore that guilt for years. Relatives constantly came to tell me their problems. I felt emotionally drained as I faced many problems as well. I was constantly worried and unhappy..." But God lifted the heaviness and oppression from Mdm Yeo and gave her an overwhelming sense of peace.


Contact Information

Tel:          67770934 (24 hours)


Address:  St.John's-St.Margaret's Church

               30 Dover Avenue, Singapore 139790

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