St.John's-St.Margaret's Church

We have curated real life stories of our members to help you get to know us better.  More importantly, we would like to share more about our God who works in our lives, through the new life He gives us in Jesus Christ. Take a little time to watch some of the videos below, or to read the articles.  We will be adding more soon!


How do you feel about what you’ve just read or watched? What have you tried to help you find God? YOU MATTER TO GOD.

Would you like to know God personally and experience His love for you?






A suggested prayer for you:

“God, it’s hard to believe that everything that goes on in my life is intertwined with your bigger story for me. I don’t fully understand but I am willing to let you speak to me. Show me the truth.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.”




"This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him.”

(1 John 4:9)

Contact Information

Tel:          67770934 (24 hours)


Address:  St.John's-St.Margaret's Church

               30 Dover Avenue, Singapore 139790

© 2017 St.John's-St.Margaret's Church.

 All Rights Reserved.