I was a coffee boy in a recording studio in September 1997. I helped out as much as I could, learning to mic up drums and how all these things were functioning. I was also recording instruments. On my personal time, I was also singing and playing guitar. While I was doing these things, God met me and came into my life. There were people who said that I couldn’t make it in life, but I had this burning desire in me to succeed. So I started an audio visual company with a friend.
We started our journey together in the entertainment industry. Somehow I knew it was completely opposite of what God had wanted me to do. But I was soon involved in big money transactions. I was involved in a lot of parties. I knew that I was doing things that I was not supposed to do. After 4 years of being in this industry, I suffered from burn out so terribly that I went into depression. I didn’t know what to do. Eventually, I came out of depression. And the next thing I knew was my partner and I went into a heated argument, and I was kicked out. I went back to the Lord and said, “Lord, you’ve always been with me and you have promised that you will never let me go. And here I am in the junction where I really don’t know what to do. If you have given me all these talents, I just want to do something that would please you.”
God brought people to talk to me
Subsequently, I had an offer to join Trinity Christian Centre. God brought people to talk to me. Pastors were talking to me, praying over me and people were mentoring me. As I was walking in that journey, I realized that God had a purpose in my life and had a call for me. He gave me a desire to want to prepare myself for His call. So I wanted to study a course in Theology to equip myself to know and deeply understand the Word of God. And several months in this journey, my past caught up with me. I received a letter from a lawyer’s office that said I was involved in some unlawful activities back in the days when I was in the entertainment industry. It threatened to drown me; I couldn’t sleep at night. I couldn’t get up in the morning. I was so afraid and upset about what’s going to happen - Am I going to jail? Am I going to be humiliated? I told my parents about all that was happening to me. My mum told me, “The Lord is with you and He will watch over you. Trust in the Lord with all your heart.”
God spoke and life sprang into me
The time came when I had to attend the court sessions. On the day before the final court session, I found myself on my knees, crying out to the Lord. Then I got so tired that I fell asleep on my bed. The moment I fell asleep and everything in my head shuts down, that was when I heard the Lord’s voice speaking into my ears. It was speaking the words of Proverbs 3 verse 5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. And in all your ways, acknowledge him and he will make straight your paths.” I got up in a shock. I knew this was the Lord. People say that one word from the Lord was enough to turn our life. These verses that I heard sprung life into me. I got up and told myself and I told the Lord this, “When I take my stand tomorrow in the court, I am going to speak the truth. Whether I go to jail I will glorify you Lord.”
Before the court session, my lawyer asked me to wait while he spoke with the Judge inside. There were a lot of family members, cousins, my church friends, my pastors were praying along with me. Lo and behold, within 10 minutes, my lawyer came out and he told me, “The Judge feels that you were caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. And you have nothing to do with this. And they are closing the case.”
Throughout the entire time, I’ve turned back my life, surrendered completely to God. I told the Lord that I have nowhere else to go but Him. And I just wanted to serve Him with whatever capacities that I have.